Load forecasting, reinvented.

Forecast is leaps ahead in predictive analytics, innovating for the decentralised era.

Major utilities trust vision


Deliver forecasts the business needs with confidence


Years of research and development have established Vision as one of the leading forecasting platforms.

  • Rely on a scalable cloud architecture to process large amounts of data painlessly
  • Leverage machine learning to automate data cleaning and data quality reporting
  • Develop scenario-based probabilistic forecasts to capture uncertainty and risk
  • Assess local impact of emerging trends (electric vehicles, rooftop solar, batteries, electrification, etc.)
  • Forecast the full half-hourly timeseries to account for structural changes in demand

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Network planning

Identify emerging network capacity constraints

network planning

The energy sector is transitioning fast. Vision helps you better plan for it.

  • Identify voltage and thermal constraints from transmission to distribution sub-station
  • Plan for every possibility thanks to custom scenarios you define on your assets
  • Streamline your planning process by integrating Vision with downstream tools
  • Access and share forecasts results and historical data securely across the business through a powerful web application

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Shape the future of the grid


Vision provides you with robust evidence to develop your strategy through the energy transition.

  • Gain visibility of the amount of electric vehicles, rooftop solar, batteries, etc. expected across your network
  • Develop what-if analyses and strategise what the transition means for your network
  • Break down silos with a single source of truth for communicating with stakeholders

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Regulation & pricing

Engage with external stakeholders based on evidence

regulation pricing

Vision helps you communicate what the energy transition means for your business.

  • Easily develop scenarios to engage with the regulators and your customers
  • Give the regulator confidence in your expenditure plans by relying on transparent state-of-the-art methods
  • Assess what the advent of electric vehicles, rooftop solar, batteries, etc. means for revenue recovery with annual energy forecast built-up from every period of the day
  • Explore tariff structure impact on forecasts, and imagine new tariffs adapted to evolving load profiles

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Leverage an integrated and secure platform


Vision is a secure platform that integrates in your existing ecosystem.

  • Manage access to Vision via Single Sign-On
  • Ensure compliance with your data and privacy obligations
  • Connect Vision to your existing data sources
  • Gain peace of mind from Vision best-in-class security practices

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We are shaped by purpose

Vision empowers grid operators to plan for the decarbonised and decentralised grid of the future. Join us to make it happen.

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